NOVENA OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS by Venerable Bartolomeo da Saluzzo, of the Congregation of the Precious Blood of Jesus
O immense and eternal majesty of God, the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I, your most humble creature, adore you and praise you with the highest affection and reverence that can be offered by creatures. In your presence and in the presence of the Blessed Mary, Queen of Heaven, and in the presence of my Guardian Angel, my Patron Saints and the entire heavenly courts, I affirm that, with regard to this prayer and petition that I am about to make to the pious and merciful Virgin Mary, through the merits of the precious Blood of Jesus, I will offer it with the right intention, principally for your glory, and for my salvation and the salvation of my neighbour. I therefore hope to obtain from you, my Lord and Supreme Good, via the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the grace that I humbly request, through the infinite merits of the most precious Blood of Jesus. But what else can I do in my current condition, apart from confess to you, my Lord, all the sins I have committed up to now, and once again ask you to purify me through the Blood of Jesus?
Yes, my Lord, I repent and am sorry from the bottom of my heart, not out of the fear of hell, which I deserve, but only because I have offended you, the Supreme Good. I firmly intend, with the help of your blessed grace, never to offend you again in the future and to avoid forthcoming occasions to sin. Have mercy on me, Lord, forgive me. Amen.
I fly to thy protection, O Holy Mother of God; do not despise my petition in my necessity, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.
Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul. Glory be to the Father…
“You are all-beautiful, O Mary, in you there is no sin”. You are pure, O Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of God. I greet you, I venerate you and I bless you for ever. O Mary, I turn to you, I call on you. Please help me, gentle Mother of God; help me Queen of Heaven; help me most merciful Mother and Refuge of sinners; help me Mother of my gentle Jesus. And since there is nothing that I ask you through the passion of Jesus Christ that you cannot grant me, with heartfelt faith I beg you to grant me the grace that I so desire; I ask you this through the divine Blood that Jesus shed for our salvation. I will not cease to cry to you until you have answered my prayer. O Mother of Mercy, I am confident that I can obtain this grace, because I ask it through the infinite merits of the most precious Blood of your beloved Son. O gentle Mother, through the merits of the most precious Blood of your divine Son, I ask you the grace of….. (name the specific request here – see examples at the end of the novena)
1. I ask you, Blessed Mother, through that pure, innocent and blessed Blood that Jesus shed on the occasion of his circumcision at the tender age of only eight days.
Hail Mary, etc.
O Virgin Mary, through the merits of the precious Blood of your divine Son, intercede before the Heavenly Father for me.
2. I ask you, O Holy Mary, through that pure, innocent and blessed Blood that Jesus abundantly shed during his agony in the Garden.
Hail Mary, etc.
O Virgin Mary, through the merits of the precious Blood of your divine Son, intercede before the Heavenly Father for me.
3. I ask you, o Holy Mary, through that pure, innocent and blessed Blood that Jesus copiously shed, when stripped and tied to the pillar, he was cruelly scourged.
Hail Mary, etc.
O Virgin Mary, through the merits of the precious Blood of your divine Son, intercede before the Heavenly Father for me.
4. I ask you, Blessed Mother, through that pure, innocent and blessed Blood that Jesus spilled from his head when he was crowned with prickly thorns.
Hail Mary, etc.
O Virgin Mary, through the merits of the precious Blood of your divine Son, intercede before the Heavenly Father for me.
5. I ask you, Blessed Mary, through that pure, innocent and blessed Blood that Jesus shed, carrying the cross on the way to Calvary, and especially through that Blood mingled with tears that you shed as you accompanied him to the supreme sacrifice.
Hail Mary, etc.
O Virgin Mary, through the merits of the precious Blood of your divine Son, intercede before the Heavenly Father for me.
6. I beg you, Blessed Mary, through that pure, innocent and blessed Blood that Jesus spilt from his body when he was stripped of his clothes, that same Blood that he shed from his hands and feet when he was nailed to the cross with hard, piercing nails. I ask you, most of all, through the Blood that he shed during his bitter, heartbreaking agony.
Hail Mary, etc.
O Virgin Mary, through the merits of the precious Blood of your divine Son, intercede before the Heavenly Father for me.
7. Please grant me the grace I desire, Virgin most pure and Mother Mary, through that gentle and mystical Blood and Water that issued from the side of Jesus when the lance pierced his Heart.
Through that pure Blood, grant me, O Virgin Mary, the grace that I ask you for; through that most precious Blood which I deeply adore and that is my drink at the Lord’s table, grant me the grace I desire, O merciful and gentle Virgin Mary.
Hail Mary, etc.
O Virgin Mary, through the merits of the precious Blood of your divine Son, intercede before the Heavenly Father for me.
All the Angels and Saints of Heaven, that contemplate the Glory of God, join your prayer to that of dear Mother Mary and Blessed Queen, and obtain for me from the Heavenly Father the grace that I ask through the merits of the precious Blood of our divine Saviour. I also appeal to you, Holy Souls in Purgatory, to pray for me and ask the Heavenly Father for the grace that I earnestly desire through the most precious Blood that my Saviour and yours shed from his most sacred wounds.
I also offer up, for you, to the eternal Father the most precious Blood of Jesus so that you may fully enjoy him and praise him for ever in the heavenly heights, singing: “You have redeemed us, O Lord, in your Blood. And made us, for our God, a kingdom”. Amen.
O good and kind Saviour, who art gentle and merciful, have pity on me and all the souls, both living and dead, whom you have saved with your precious Blood. Amen.
Blessed be the Blood of Jesus now and forever.
Request for Grace
When there is an “at risk” person involved, that is, a boy who drinks or has drug addiction problems, a husband or wife who are about to separate or who have other serious personal problems, it is appropriate for those who pray to ask in a first “novena” the grace of the salvation of this person (9 days, including the ninth day) (Eg: grant me the grace that NAME OF THE PERSON is saved at the end of his earthly passage and can come to thank you in the heavenly Jerusalem and praise you with and thank Jesus.
Further note: The novena to the Precious Blood, after it has been made for salvation, can continue to be done, but asking for the person’s conversion. In this case, it is necessary to continue to recite it indefinitely, until the problem is solved. YOU MUST INSIST. THIS INSISTENCE PLEASES GOD. Once learned, the novena must be recited personally, it is not the same as listening to it recited by others, it becomes less internalized; even if performed in company, always use your voice.
Of course with this Novena, which is very powerful, you can ask for everything you want from the Lord.
Other examples of a request for Thanks, after the one for Salvation
grant me the grace of deliverance from all forms of occult oppression of (PERSON’S NAME). Grant that set he /she free ,deliveranced from the evil bonds and the diabolical hosts that keep him/her bound, let him/her reach faith in Jesus, may he/she grows in fidelity to God and come to thank you in the Heavenly Jerusalem at the end of his/her earthly passage. Have mercy on him/her Holy Mother. I thank you and bless you.