Prayer for himself
Direct command prayers to the diabolical legions
The individual, per se, can also recite them twice a day.
These prayers are to be recited with a certain empire in a medium voice, after having made the sign of the Cross. Each one integrates them with their personal needs. The more you go into detail the better, the more you go into detail the more you get rid of the curse or spell done to us.
In the Holy Name of Christ Jesus and for his Most Precious Blood that conquered the underworld, with the intercession of Mary Most Holy and of all the Holy Archangels, in particular of St. Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels and of all the Saints, among them of San Francis, San Padre Pio,
St Gemma Galgani, San Judah Taddeo, Sant’Anthony da Padua , John Paul II, I command and order to , declare and decree to every other diabolical, spirits and witchcraft legion, to all the unclean spirits of failure , of debt, of misery, to immediately go away from me, from my life, from my person, from my loved ones, from my home, from my health and never to return,never come back.
I command and order it in the holy name of Jesus Christ, the Risen One, the living God.
By the power of the name of Christ Jesus and of His most Precious Blood shed for the whole of humankind, with the intercession of Mary Most Holy, of all the Holy Archangels, in particular of St. Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels and of all Saints, I command and order to , declare and decree to every unclean spirit of darkening of intelligence, to every spirit of resentment, lack of forgiveness, incapacity of decision, to every spirit of hatred, destruction, quarrel, anger, resentment, of revenge, to walk away from me, immediately and never come back. I command and order it in the Holy name of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, come and give me your peace, your life, you who are the King of life and infinite Mercy.
For work or other economic difficultiesIn the name of Christ Jesus, for his most Precious Blood shed for the whole of humankind, with the powerful intercession of the Virgin Mary and of all the Holy Archangels, in particular of St. Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels and of all the Saints, between them St. Francis and St. Padre Pio, I command and order to , delcare and decree to all the legions of misfortune and misfortune, misery, all unclean spirits of bankruptcy and debt, all spirits of destruction and self-destruction, all spirits of hatred and revenge, to immediately leave me, my job, my career, my home, my savings, my money, my life, my affections, my health, and not to return never again. I command and order it in the name of Christ Jesus, the living God, the Risen One.
For other needs (including physical illnesses)In the Holy Name of Christ Jesus, by His most Precious Blood for which we are all redeemed, with the intercession of Mary Most Holy, of all the Holy Archangels, in particular of St. Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels and of all Saints, among them St. Francis, St. Padre Pio, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Gemma Galgani, John Paul II, I command and order to, declare and decree to every legion of filth and witchcraft, magic, satanic and demonic, in particular the spirits of sickness mental disease, psychic and physical, of destruction, of discouragement, of self-destruction, of sadness, of anguish, of exaggerated anxiety, of fear, of mental confusion, of vexation, to go away immediately from me, from my life, from my person, from my existence and never to return,never come back. I command and order it in the Holy name of Jesus, the living God, the Risen One.(Sometimes physical illnesses are linked to a lack of faith, hope and charity. Therefore it is advisable to take action to grow in these three Virtues. Many physical illnesses are due to inner wounds, so it is a good thing to do the prayers of inner healing and invocation to the Holy Spirit, infinite love that heals the wounds of the soul.
In the Holy Name of Christ Jesus, for His Most Precious Blood shed for the whole of humankind, with the powerful intercession of the Virgin Mary and of all the Holy Archangels, in particular of St. Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels and of all the Saints , I command and order to , declare and decree to every evil force that causes me physical harm to go away from me right now and never return, never come back to me. Lord Jesus, set me free by the immensity of your Mercy, set me free from any resentment that I have towards others, set me free from anxiety, from the spirit of anguish, bitterness and any other evil force that causes me physical pain. Set me free from any lack of forgiveness I have towards myself. Give me your peace, and your peace in abundance. I thank you and bless you. In the name of Jesus, for His Most Precious Blood shed for the whole of humankind, with the intercession of the Virgin Mary, of St. Michael the Archangel and of all the Holy Archangels, and of all the Holy Angels, and of all the Saints, among they St Padre Pio, San Francis, St Joseph, St Anthony da Padua, I break and I dissolve, looese and annihilate, every curse and spell , every effect of voodoo and macumba ritual, of magic, of witchcraft, of satanic and demonic ritual, of malignant bond made through dolls and sticking pins on my head, on my brain, on my neck, on my shoulders, on my back, on my neck, on my hands, on my sex, on my uterus, on my stomach , on my digestive system, on my joints, on my muscles, on my joints, on my legs, on my feet. I break it and , I dissolve it and I annihilate it in the name of Jesus. (I break it and, I dissolve it and I destroy it REPEAT), GOD ALIVE, THE RISEN. Thank you Jesus for your victory, thank you Jesus for intervening, thank you for your Mercy. You are the only Lord and savior of the world. I love you and bless you.
In the Holy name of the Lord Jesus, with the intercession of Mary Most Holy and of all the Holy Archangels, in particular of Saint Michael the Archangel, of all the Holy Angels and of all the Saints, in particular of Saint Francis, Saint Padre Pio, Saint Gemma Galgani, Sant’Anthony da Padua, John Paul II,
St Judah Taddeo, I break and , I dissolve, loose and annihilate every occult bond made through a satanic and demonic ritual, every mediu mystic bond, every wish for death, misfortune and disaster every wish of failure made on me, my marriage, my children, my husband, my family, my home.
I break it and I dissolve it I untie it and I annihilate it and I bind it to the cross of Jesus, the Risen One, the living God.
In the name of Jesus, for His Most Precious Blood shed for the whole of humankind, with the intercession of the Virgin Mary, of St. Michael the Archangel and of all the Holy Archangels, and of all the Holy Angels, and of all the Saints, among they St. Padre Pio, St. Francis, St. Joseph, St. Anthony of Padua, I command and order to, declare and decree to Satan, Beelzebul, Lucifer, Dan, Abu, Asmodeus, Alimai and every other spirit of separation, hatred, revenge, to every diabolical, spiritistic and witchcraft legion, to immediately go away from me, from my life, from my person, from my existence, from my job, from my home and never to return. I command and order it in the Holy name of Christ Jesus.
Sometimes they are done evil spell through photography and underwearmade for the purpose of destruction of his marriage, including through underwear, made for the purpose of distribution of the family, of the house